Pre-Award Responsibilities


  • Unless you are applying as an individual (not through the College), work with the Director of Faculty Grants on developing the proposal and, in particular, the budget.   In most cases, the College will be official applicant.  Exceptions tend to be fellowship programs in which the grant is paid directly to the individual.
  • If the grant will entail a leave or course release, be sure to talk with your department and the Provost before the proposal is submitted about whether and how the leave or course release will be accommodated.  Approved academic leaves are handled differently than leaves without pay, and it is important to understand what will be supported by the College and what will not. Consult the Faculty Handbook for more information on leaves.
  • If the grant program to which you are applying requires institutional matching funds, work with the Director of Faculty Grants and other relevant parties to determine the amount and source of the match.
  • If you are requesting funds to purchase hardware or software, you must consult with the Associate Director of Technical and Media Services about the items to be purchased.
  • If your proposed project will involve research with human subjects be sure to follow the College’s IRB protocol.

Office of Faculty Grants

  • Assist the applicant in the development of the narrative, budget, and other parts of the proposal (forms, letters of support, etc.). 
  • Advise on granting agency policy and relevant College policy. 
  • If the application is to the NIH or the NSF, make sure the applicant follows the College’s conflict of interest policy and submits a disclosure form to the Associate Provost for Curriculum and Faculty Development before proposal submission. 
  • Circulate the Proposal Routing Sheet for all appropriate sign-off signatures. 

Human Resources

  • Advise on salary and fringe requests in the proposal budget.  (Director of Human Resources and/or Assistant to the Provost)

Provost Office

  • Sign off on the Proposal Routing Sheet after it has been approved by the Director of Faculty Grants. (Provost)
  • Approve any matching funds committed to the project. (Provost)
  • Approve and maintain conflict of interest disclosure forms for proposals to the NIH or the NSF.  (Associate Provost for Curriculum and Faulty Development)
  • Work with the Director of Faculty Grants on letters of institutional support. (Provost)
  • Sign proposal cover sheet and other form pages as appropriate. (Provost)
  • NOTE: If the Provost is unavailable to sign at the time of submission, another officer of the College can sign in his or her place.

Business Office

  • Review the proposal budget and sign the Proposal Routing Sheet. (Vice President for Finance or Controller)